Reminder – KAS Observing/Presentation Night – Wednesday 3/16

This Wednesday at 7:00 PM, KAS members are welcome to join us at the observatory for the March KAS Presentation and Observing night.

If the skies do not cooperate, here is the planned agenda:

1. Brief Discussion of upcoming KAS events and activities
2. Covering the basic what’s up list and a few challenge targets for March – April
3. Presentation/Open Discussion on the Sun and Solar Observing (by Patrick Manley)
4. Equipment Focus – Solar Observing Equipment

The proposed agenda is fully open for change based on the attending group’s wants/needs.

The meeting is not open to the public, and is exclusively for registered KAS members. If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to

Bring your favorite non-alcoholic refreshment and/or snack.  If enough folks interested and attend, maybe we will start a collection for coffee, snacks, etc!

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