Every 3rd Wednesday of every month, the KAS gathers at some location to get together and just have some fun. With this in mind, this month, this event will be held at the Kopernik Observatory & Science Center starting at 7:00 PM. This is a KAS paid member only event. So if you are in the KAS, please join us. Here are the topics for this month:
1. Event Discussion – 20 minutes
– Black Forest Star Party
– Stellafane Trip
– KAS Cherry Springs Outings
– August 3rd Wednesday
– August KAS Camping trip to Greenwood Park
2. What’s up in July/August? – A general discussion about popular objects to observe – 45 minute presentation
3. Weather Permitting – A KAS member will gladly make a launch attempt of a small model rocket if anyone is interested! Is anyone interested in start a rocket club at the observatory?
4. The summer and fall constellations – How to navigate the sky – a brief discussion for our newest members. Everyone can talk about their favorite objects here too! – 30 minutes
5. Equipment Spotlight – Come share your eyepieces – KAS members will run through my eyepieces!
Of course these are proposed ideas, the floor is open if anyone else wants to do something else fun. Send an email to kas@kopernikastro.org.
If it is clear out, we will run out and fire up some equipment for observing at around 8:30 – 9 PM. Also, a few KAS members will gladly help new members learn their gear. That is what moony nights are best for!
Some snacks will be provided (chips, nut mix, etc…), but no dinner is planned for this event at this time. Bring your favorite non-alcoholic beverage, and whatever else you want to snack on or brown bag your dinner. If it is cloudy and we have enough takers, we can watch a movie. The KAS documentary library is fairly extensive.