KAS – 2013 Messier Marathon
Planning is underway for the 2013 KAS Messier Marathon. This is a great opportunity to view all the objects catalogued by Charles Messier that took him 24 years to observe. Messier catalogued objects that he originally thought were comets, but … Read the rest of this entry
Tonight’s Sky: February 2013
Brought to you by Hubblesite.org:
Lots of buzz in the Kopernik Astronomical Society in preparation for Northeast Astronomy Forum and Telescope Show (NEAF). The team has put together an excellent table display for NEAF with many members contributing. Still a hold out chance for KAS participation in the NEAF … Read the rest of this entry
What’s Up in April from NASA/JPL
Check out this installment of “What’s Up” from NASA and JPL. This month Saturn and Moons, Mars, Jupiter and its moons. Help Celebrate “The Year of the Solar System” For more information, go to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labratory at: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/index.cfm
Possible Sky Clearing for Orionid Meteor Shower Tonight
Although the weather has been a bit challenging the past week. It is possible that there will be a clearing tonight for the Orionid Meteor Shower. If the skies are clear, the observatory will open for the night, starting at … Read the rest of this entry
New KAS Astrophoto – Jupiter on 10/7/2011
[singlepic id=56 w=320 h=240 float=] This image was taken by G.P. Normandin using a Celestron NexImage web cam on an OGS RC20 (F/8.1).